Electrical Certification
What is the role of the Electrical Certification Engineer?
To ensure that new seat electrical designs meet the strict safety requirements set out by the regulatory authorities (FAA and EASA).
Planning and reporting Qualification Tests for components supplied by Contour and outsourced components.
Perform FMEA on the electrical systems to ensure durability and occupant safety are maintained.
Maintain continued airworthiness of the product through its life.
What kind of applicant are we looking for?
Suitable applicants should have an interest in electrical systems
An applicant with a sound mathematical ability and strong analytical skills.
Someone with creativity and innovation would be a great asset.
Academic requirements are minimum 2:1 degree in an Electrical/ Electronic Engineering discipline or similar.
What does Electrical Certification offer to graduates?
The Electrical Certification department offers the opportunity to take on an intellectually challenging role full of variety, problem solving and professional development.
By joining the department, the graduate would be required to learn a broad range of demanding skills. Training would be provided via self-learning, on-the-job mentorship and external companies.
As a career, Electrical Certification engineers are highly regarded, sought after and are rewarded as a result.
What are the objectives of the Electrical Certification placement?
Produce a qualification test procedure (QTP) and qualification test report (QTR) for a Contour supplied electrical system and assess the QTP and QTR from an external supplier.
Produce an acceptance test procedure and report.
Produce bonding and grounding calculations and seat system safety analysis documents (SSA).
Produce hardware and software specifications for the electrical components to be installed into the seats.
Carry out failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA).
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